中国和印度在洞朗地区已经对峙数月,日前中国国防部发言人吴谦大校面对印度记者关于中印边境局势的提问时,做出回应:印度不要心存侥幸,撼山易,撼解放军难!Wow, overwhelming!这霸气十足的宣告给各路媒体提供了做头条(headline)的绝佳素材,于是各种神翻译就相继登场啦! 新华社:It’s easier to shake a mountain than the PLA.
撼动解放军要比撼山难 新华网:China urgesIndia to abandon illusions 中国敦促印度放弃不切实际的幻想 中国日报:It might beeasier to shake the mountains than shake the PLA. 撼动解放军应该比撼动群山要难。 CGTN央视全球频道: It is easy to shake a mountain, but no wayto shake the PLA. 撼山,容易;撼解放军,没门儿。 Reuters路透社:Shaking a mountain is easybut shaking the People’s Liberation Army is hard. 撼山易,撼解放军难 The Citizen 公民网:Shaking a mountainis difficult, shaking the PLAis even more difficult. 撼山就够难啦,撼动解放军甚至比撼山还要难 The Strait Times新加坡海峡时报:It is difficultto shake the PLA,even more difficultthan to shake a mountain. 要撼动解放军,难啊,甚至比撼山还要难。