附小attached primary school 附中attached secondary school 实验学校experimental school 职业学校vocational school 成人学校adult school 公立学校public school 艺术学校art school 师范学校normal school 全日制学校full-time school 业余学校part-time school 函授学校correspondence school 夜校evening school, night school 寄宿学校boarding school 文学院college of liberal arts 人文学院college of humanities 商学院business school 医学院medical college 音乐学院conservatory 师范大学normal university 幼儿教育infant education 学前教育preschool education 初等教育elementary education 中等教育secondary education 高等教育higher education 继续教育further education 成人教育adult education 义务教育compulsory education